Omar Hagi Kassim graduated magna cum laude in 2011, with a thesis in Environmental law on “Waste and by–products” at “Roma Tre” University – Faculty of Law.
In 2012 he successfully attended a level II Master course in “Environmental law” at “Roma Tre” University, obtaining the related Master Degree.
In 2014 he became qualified to exercise the profession of Lawyer.
In 2016 he obtained the doctoral degree (Phd) in Administrative Law at Roma Tre University (Scuola Dottorale Internazionale “Tullio Ascarelli” – XXVIII Ciclo). During his Phd studies, he undertook a period of studies abroad at Cambridge University (U.K.) during which he focused his research on Environmental Law and Administrative Law.
As a “Tutor” of the II level Master in Environmental law, headed by Prof. Giampaolo Rossi he carries out educational/training and organisational activities.
He is head of the Editorial Committee of the online journal “RQDA” (Rivista quadrimestrale di Diritto dell’Ambiente).
He speaks Italian and English.